

통사론, 의미론
작문기초, 영어문법, 영한대조분석과문법지도, 영어통사론과학교영문법, 영어구문분석과기술문법, 빅데이터를활용한영어학습

2017.12.23 University of Texas at Austin  (박사)

2010.08.18 경희대학교  (석사)

2008.08.20 경희대학교  (학사)




Variations in answering negative polar questions in Korean: An experimental study, LINGUA , 제310권(집) , PP.103792~103792 , 2024.10.01

Usage and acquisition patterns of the how come- and why-constructions by young English-speaking children, Linguistic Research , 제41권(집) , PP.109~155 , 2024.09.30

An In-depth Corpus-based Investigation of Unbound Reflexives, English Studies , 제105권(집) , 제4호 , PP.620~645 , 2024.05.18

A Collostructional and Constructional Approach to the Transitive out of -ing Construction, English Studies , 제105권(집) , 제2호 , PP.263~289 , 2024.02.17

Focus structure and voice mismatch in pseudogapping, Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics , 제23권(집) , 제0호 , PP.1014~1035 , 2023.11.30

Diachronic Developments of the Concessive Though-Fronting Construction in American English: A Corpus-Based Perspective, English Studies , 제104권(집) , 제5호 , PP.804~831 , 2023.07.04

Aggressively non-D-linked construction and ellipsis: A Direct Interpretation approach, JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS , 제59권(집) , 제2호 , PP.257~291 , 2023.04.01

Children’s acquisition and uses of what about and how about constructions: A corpus-based perspective, Linguistic Research , 제39권(집) , 제Special Edition호 , PP.51~96 , 2022.09.30

A corpus-based diachronic investigation of the what about and how about constructions, 현대문법연구 , 제115권(집) , PP.77~117 , 2022.09.25

English pseudogapping: An experimental perspective, Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics , 제22권(집) , PP.675~694 , 2022.07.31

A corpus-based analysis of conceptual metaphors with BITE and CHEW in English and Korean, Linguistic Research , 제39권(집) , 제1호 , PP.55~93 , 2022.03.30

The null clausal complements in Korean: An experimental investigation, 언어 , 제46권(집) , 제3호 , PP.635~670 , 2021.09.30

A corpus study of the English negative stripping construction and its theoretical consequences, Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics , 제21권(집) , PP.912~935 , 2021.09.30

Temporal mismatches and the acceptability of tenseless coordinate constructions in Korean, Linguistic Research , 제38권(집) , 제2호 , PP.301~327 , 2021.06.30

Away at/on conative constructions: A collexeme analysis, 현대문법연구 , 제110권(집) , PP.43~88 , 2021.06.25

A corpus-based study of the what about and how about constructions, Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics , 제21권(집) , PP.414~434 , 2021.05.31

An experimental investigation of parallelism conditions on Right Peripheral Ellipsis in Korean, 언어 , 제46권(집) , 제1호 , PP.79~106 , 2021.03.31

On Swiping in English: A direct interpretation approach, 생성문법연구 , 제30권(집) , 제4호 , PP.487~516 , 2020.11.30

Matching conditions on right peripheral ellipsis: An experimental perspective, 언어학 연구 , 제57권(집) , PP.107~139 , 2020.10.31

말뭉치 자료 토대의 한국어 ‘-전에’, ‘-후에/-나서’ 시간 부사절의 표상성 및 분포적 특징 연구, 언어 , 제45권(집) , 제3호 , PP.477~513 , 2020.09.30

Negative stripping in Korean: A non-ellipsis, anaphoric analysis, 언어 , 제44권(집) , 제3호 , PP.363~394 , 2019.09.30

Acquisition of verb representations: Get’s gotta get us somewhere, Linguistic Research , 제35권(집) , 제Special Edition호 , PP.207~232 , 2018.09.30

The "concealed passive" construction needs investigating diachronically, 언어학 연구 , 제47권(집) , PP.143~165 , 2018.04.30

Conative alternation in English: An entailment-based perspective with corpus data, 현대문법연구 , 제97권(집) , PP.55~88 , 2018.03.25

English floating quantifier constructions: A non-movement approach, 언어와 정보 , 제13권(집) , 제1호 , PP.57~75 , 2009.06.30